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 All HCPL locations are closed Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents' Day.

Outreach + Mobile Library Services

The Outreach Department at HCPL provides a variety of services to residents outside the library, particularly those facing physical, economic, social, geographic or other barriers to accessing library services. The most recognizable part of the Outreach Department is Mobile Library Service (formerly Bookmobile). Outreach services include early literacy opportunities for children, delivering library materials and programs to residents in retirement communities, representing HCPL at community events, and fostering community partnerships.

Mon–Fri: 8:00 AM–4:30 PM
Outreach Coordinator
Outreach (804) 501-1633 (804) 501-1933
Mobile Library Service (804) 501-1953 (804) 501-1953

About the Mobile Library Service

The Mobile Library Service is dedicated to bringing quality outreach to retirement communities, child care centers and is a popular sight at many area events. Bringing the library out of the buildings and into the community, Henrico County Public Library's first Bookmobile went into operation in 1977. The current model was purchased in 2012 with maximum flexibility, efficiency and accessibility in mind.

Member of Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services

Mobile Library Service for Senior Groups

The Mobile Library Service visits Henrico County senior living communities monthly, bringing 3-5 book carts of large type, current fiction and non-fiction titles, as well as magazines, DVDs and audio books. Our staff are dedicated to bringing high-interest materials and programming to local senior communities, encouraging interactivity, socialization, and an improved quality of life. Please have administrative staff for your community fill out the form below if you are interested in being added to our monthly schedule.

  • Senior Groups Service Guidelines

    Mobile Library Services brings library materials and services into a designated public area of your community.

    The following are required:

    • The designated area should be spacious enough for five (36" x 22") book carts allowing ample room for wheel chairs, walkers and motorized carts to move freely.
    • Activities Director should arrange furniture prior to scheduled time of visit. Activities Director should be aware of scheduled time of visit and not double-book events. A current schedule will be provided to your facility.
    • Activities Director or representative of the activities department must accompany residents and remain with the Mobile Library Service during our visit.
    • Post the Mobile Library Service schedule and include in your monthly publications so that your residents will be aware of the date and time of our monthly visit.
    • The facility should have enough room for a 29 foot van to maneuver, unload/load book carts, and park.

    Library card info:

    • We will be happy to issue independent residents a library card. Cards must be kept in good standing to ensure they continue to enjoy library service.
    • A Corporate library card can be issued to your facility. For more information, please see MLS staff or call 501-1953. Card must be kept in good standing.

Visit Henrico Library's webpage for Seniors

Mobile Library Service for Child Care Centers

Mobile Library Service staff provide early literacy storytime visits to Henrico County child care centers, focusing on preschool-aged children. Combining books, songs, and movement, these storytimes encourage children and staff to engage with the stories and each other.

  • Child Care Center Service Guidelines

    Selected with the 2-5 year old preschooler in mind, our themes and activities are designed to spark a love of reading and support the building blocks of lifelong learning. If you are interested in the Mobile Library Service adding your child care center to our schedule, please fill out the form below and a staff member will contact you within 3 business days.

    The following are required:

    • Please post our scheduled visits for your teachers, so that your classes can make the most of the time we have to share with the children.
    • Centers are expected to have their classes ready for their scheduled visits or else notify the Mobile Library Service by phone of any cancellations at least an hour in advance of the scheduled visit time.
    • Teachers must accompany, and remain, with their classes during these special visits. You are our partners and you know your children best. Safety first!
    • Participation is encouraged not only of the children, but the teachers as well! It is fun and it helps your students learn and stay focused. Thank you for joining us.
    • Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in termination of service.

Outreach and Mobile Library Services Events
Matt and Erin at the Juneteenth Block Party at Pemberton Elementary School
Friends visiting the HCPL tent during the Juneteeth celebration at Dorey Park.
Friends visiting the HCPL booth at a Dumbarton Elementary event.
Erin and Matt at the Juneteenth Block Party at Pemberton Elementary School.
Mobile Library Service van at the Dorey Park Market.
Staff at Newbridge Village apartments.
Staff helping friends learn more about HCPL.
Matt and Meghan at the Dumbarton Elementary event.
A family playing Connect Four at the Earth Day Energy Fair.
Children reading to a dog at Dorey Park.
Staff member reading to children at Dorey Park.
Staff at Stoneridge apartments.
A friend learning about HCPL at the Earth Day Energy Fair.
A small group of friends visiting the HCPL book-mobile at Dumbarton Elementary.
Visitors learning about HCPL services at the Juneteenth event at Pemberton Elementary School.
Staff ready to share information about HCPL at the Juneteenth celebration at Dorey Park.
Matt and Ashleigh at the Multicultural Festival.
We look forward in seeing you at an event soon!