That’s a wrap on our Summer Reading Challenge! Thank you to everyone who participated and joined us as we celebrated kindness, friendship, and unity. It is incredible to see what we can achieve together. Read on to learn more about your collective accomplishments!


Congratulations to our branch winners and to all of our grand prize recipients! 

  • Nintendo Switch Mario Choose One Bundle - Vallini A. (Twin Hickory)
  • Children’s Museum of Richmond Family Membership - Anne F. (North Park)
  • Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Family Membership - Kate B. (Tuckahoe)
  • Science Museum of Virginia Family Membership - Kaeya K. (Twin Hickory)
  • Brother XR3774 Sewing & Quilting Machine - Wyatt B. (Fairfield)

Of course, all Summer Reading Challenge finishers are winners. Stop by your library to pick up a prize book (kids and teens) or a book sale coupon (adults)!

Tell us your thoughts about Summer Reading at the library - whether you participated or not. Take the brief survey for a chance to win a gift card.

Summer Reading is a great way to set reading and learning goals for ourselves, no matter what our age, and can help students, especially, to maintain important literacy skills gained throughout the school year. Judging by the numbers and feedback, it was a summer full of reading and learning.

All together you:


Every year we look forward to reading your reviews and adding new titles to our “to-be-read” lists! Here are just a few of your thoughts about the books you read this summer:


Several of you participated in our activity challenges and shared some great thoughts about what you’ve learned and done this summer. Below are just a few highlights:

Be kind to yourself and read something that makes you feel good (it could be a comic book, a recipe, a poem, or a favorite book). Let us know what you read.

Browse our Notable Henricoans Database

Here are just a few of the notable Henricoans you learned about this summer:

Plan an Outdoor Adventure with Friends

This summer you planned adventures to:

Here are a few of your book recommendations!

Tell a joke to a librarian.

Tell us why you think our Henrico community is special.


Continue to set reading goals for yourself and start this school year off with a new challenge. Check out our 1000 Books Before Kindergarten and 100 Books Before Graduation programs, and use the momentum from summer to kick-off a year full of reading!

For adults in need of book recommendations, find suggested titles on our blog, subscribe to genre-specific newsletters, or try out our My Next Read service for personalized book lists from our librarians!