Happy Library Card Sign-Up Month, a time to promote the perks of using the library. Stop by your nearest location to learn more about signing up and unlocking a world of resources. And if you already have a card, we’re offering replacements all month long. So if your card is looking well-loved, come pick up a fresh one, for free. For those who still aren’t convinced, read on for our top ten reasons to sign up for a library card today.
Hispanic Heritage Month: Familia Fiesta & More
Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, and Henrico County Public Library is excited to invite you to programs that celebrate cultures and traditions from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.
Mark your calendars to visit Familia Fiesta at Tuckahoe Area Library on Saturday, Sept. 21 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Activities are free and registration is not required. This three-hour event features live music, performances, crafts, and games, and has been designed for all ages. Read on for more details.
SMS/Text Reminders Are Here!
We’re excited to announce that patrons can now opt to receive SMS/text reminders from the library about their holds and due dates! To enjoy this feature, sign up in person at the library. Read on to learn more.
Continuing Education Workshops for Child Care Providers
Learn about different childhood development topics, discover new resources, meet other caregivers, and earn continuing education credit at HCPL’s Child Care Provider workshops. Past topics have ranged from nutrition to childhood brain development. This fall, we’re exploring creative movement, inclusivity, social emotional health, and neurodiversity in young children. Read on for more details.
Social Emotional Learning at the Library
Storytimes have always been vehicles for fostering early literacy skills, and they can help with your child(ren)’s social emotional development too. Many parents and caregivers seek to instill a love of reading to give their little ones a boost with future academics, but social competency also factors into success both in and outside of school. Children need opportunities to identify and manage their emotions, to practice setting goals, to show compassion towards others, to form meaningful relationships, and to make responsible decisions, all of which libraries can help provide. Read on to learn more about library storytimes and recommended titles geared toward early social emotional development.
Off the Beaten Path
Whether it’s a destination at the top of your bucket list or a place you’re curious about but would never visit, discover a book about it in the library’s collection of unique travel titles. Who knows? Maybe a great book will open your eyes to a surprising destination for your next real-life trip. Adventure awaits you at the library!
On Your Mark, Get Set, Go! Sports Manga for Teens
What do the 2024 Summer Olympics have in common with our manga collection? More than you think! You’ll find badminton, basketball, cycling, gymnastics, running, soccer, and volleyball on the screen and on our shelves. If you’re a manga fan (or looking to try something new) and are feeling inspired by the summer games, read on for some of the sports-themed manga available at the library.
2024 Summer Reading Wrap-Up
That’s a wrap on our 2024 Summer Reading Challenge! Thank you to everyone who read and learned with us. Whether it was diving into books, trying new things, or exploring new places, we think it’s safe to say that this summer was quite an adventure. Read on to learn more about all of your accomplishments.
Start Smart: Free Resources for the School Year
If you’re a student or have students in your household, a library card can be a key to success—and savings. For families looking for ways to save, a free library card can unlock hundreds of dollars of programs and services to help students succeed. This handy calculator shows how libraries can save you money. Read on to learn more about free library resources in our community.