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 All HCPL locations are closed January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Library News

Introducing Adaptive Storytime


Storytimes are a wonderful way to introduce books and the joy of reading to your little ones. They help build early literacy skills and acquaint young readers with their library and community. At HCPL, we recognize that young readers have different needs and abilities, and our goal is to help each reader find the right fit. Read on to learn more about the Library’s storytime offerings including the new Adaptive Storytime!

Designed to be inclusive and welcoming to neurodivergent children, Adaptive Storytime incorporates movement, music, stories, sensory activities, and play. All abilities are welcome and activities generally fall within a preschool interest level. The program requires registration and is open to children ages 1-12 with an adult. For those who have attended our previous Sensory Storytime, Adaptive Storytime continues that service while honing our focus on providing a space to meet the early literacy needs of neurodiverse families. For more detailed information about what Adaptive Storytime can offer you and your little one, check out these FAQs:

Who can attend this storytime?

While Adaptive Storytime is built using best practices in early childhood special education, it is intended for any child or family that needs a slower-paced storytime in a smaller group setting. Therapists and siblings are welcome to attend, as well.

Are the presenters experts in early childhood special education?

While our library staff do their best to keep up on trends in early childhood special education, they do not all have a formal background in child psychology, early childhood education, or special education. That being said, they are happy to work with you to address your child’s specific needs and to help you find local resources.

What can you expect at this storytime?

  • Carpet squares or similar tools are used to help children feel grounded.
  • Visual schedules are used to help our attendees better prepare for the many transitions that happen during storytime.
  • Fidgets are available to help with sensory needs like stimming.
  • We end all of our storytimes with an opportunity for free-play. This can be a great time to talk with other caregivers or to ask our library staff for individualized ideas or resources.

Additional Storytimes

Find the perfect storytime for you and your family by exploring our full list of upcoming programs in the Storytime Calendar. Below are just a few of our regular offerings:

Early Literacy Resources

In addition to attending storytime, browse our Read to Me and 1000 Books Before Kindergarten kits and bring home fresh reads and literacy resources!

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